North Orange County Unmet Needs 2013 Survey

Every other year the Collaborative  completes  an unmet needs survey and we need your help to spread the word.


Can you help your local seniors in the North Orange county area?  Please take a moment to complete this survey online right now  – share this link with everyone in our community. –   Please help a local senior answer the questions as well  or  print  then out  this attachment  for your church or neighbors  or work friends  –

Our goal is to get 5,000 surveys done –

please share this link if  you live in Central or North Orange county!

Thanks so much !

We need all surveys completed and turned into St Jude Community Services -130 Bastanchury Rd., Fullerton, Ca no later than November 19th.

If you drop off a group  of surveys and leave your email address we will send  you

Print out copies from here.



2 comments on “North Orange County Unmet Needs 2013 Survey

  1. I am working on starting a business to help support seniors with transportation unmet needs. Please contact me if need any assistance and would love to network with any community leaders supporting a senior-friendly enviroment

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