
North Orange County Senior Collaborative (NOCSC) is a cooperative effort
by both private and public entities and persons seeking to identify and address
the unmet needs of seniors and their support systems in our community.

NOCSC (pronounced “noxy”) is a service organization comprised of non-profit and for-profit aging services, agencies, and organizations.

We focus on identifying and addressing unmet needs of seniors and their caregivers in Orange County. Our work includes:

  • General and educational meetings on an alternate bi-monthly basis
  • Senior Care 101 Classes for families, caregivers and professionals
  • Publishing an annual Senior Resource Guide
  • Developing and distributing an unmet local senior needs survey bi-annually
  • Ongoing projects to address unmet needs
  • Participation in community events focusing on senior issues

We are always open to welcoming new members. Please contact us for more information.

UPCOMING SENIOR CARE 101 CLASS – Weds 1/29 at 12:30pm, Yorba Linda Community Center